FSB Asian Financial Markets
FIN 417 and BUS 420
Want to study abroad? We'll help you make it happen! Schedule an FSB-General Advising meeting with your assigned academic advisor to ensure appropriate initial study abroad program exploration. Factors to consider when choosing a study abroad program may include, but are not limited to: academic fit based on available requirements, desired level of immersion, cost, and program duration.
All programs are now CLOSED!
FIN 417 and BUS 420
MGT 291 and BUS 420
Track 1: BLS 342 and BUS 420
Track 2: ECO 301 and BUS 420
Track 1: ESP 461 and BUS 420
Track 2: MKT 291 and BUS 420
Track 1: FIN 301 and BUS 420
Track 2: MGT 295 and BUS 420
The London Internship program is now closed. FSB Asia and Luxembourg are still open!
Track 1: ACC 221 & BUS 420
Track 2: ECO 131 & BUS 420
Business students should visit the main Education Abroad office and consider one of their many Co-Sponsored programs.
Co-sponsored programs are eligible for pre-approval. You can work with your academic advisor and a study abroad advisor to find a program that fits your academic needs.