Student Reflections

Belize Student Reflection: Kayla Clark

Guyana Student Reflection: Samantha Wolfe

Namibia Student Reflection: Kate Hankins

Costa Rica Student Reflection: Eileen Keating

Australia Student Reflection: Meghan Manary

India Student Reflection: Allie Coronado

Belize Student Reflection: Tami Masuoka
“Belizean birds
Every shape, size, and color
Paint the summer skies”

Belize Student Reflection: Lydia Collier

Thailand Student Reflection: Grace Masaoka

Belize Student Reflection: Charles Ruff

Paraguay Student Reflection: Melissa Neufer

Borneo Student Reflection: Elizabeth Jackson

Baja Student Reflection: Polly Diffenbaugh

Baja Student Reflection: Cindy Kelly

Guyana Student Reflection: Katie Krafte

Borneo Student Reflection: Lindsey Stegh

Australia Student Reflection: Katelynn Mulrooney

Paraguay Student Reflection: Christina Thompson

Belize Student Reflection: Ashley Watts

Borneo Student Reflection: Stephanie Quihuiz

Brazil Student Reflection: John Scott

Kenya Student Reflection: Drew Heyward

Mongolia Student Reflection: Kym Janke

Amazon Student Reflection: Fiorella Gardella

Galapagos Student Reflection: Christie Miller