Contact Us
214 MacMillan Hall
531 E Spring St.
Oxford, OH 45056
513-529-8608 (fax)
If you or someone you know is experiencing an emergency abroad, please contact MUPD at 513-529-2222.
Quick Tip: Start researching your host country well in advance of when you depart. Set a weekly Google alert for your host country or city so that news is delivered to your inbox automatically.
All students participating on any education abroad program will be assessed a non-refundable Administrative fee per program. Fees are outlined on program applications. Please read fees closely to ensure that you understand the costs associated with your program.
Visit MUDEC for the most current information on course availability, registration, fees and payments.
The course(s) offered are outlined on the program’s application page. Once accepted, students will find a link to an electronic course registration form in their program application portal. Students must use this form to register for their courses. They will not be able to make any registrations via BannerWeb.
If a student needs to withdraw or change their registration, please be sure to email the program director or the Education Abroad Office at
There are two cost components to a faculty-led program, tuition and the program fee, and these payments are made in different locations.
Tuition is charged per-credit hour and is based on the student’s residency. Upon registration, the tuition will be added to the student’s bursar account to be paid in full prior to the start of the course. Bills are typically posted approximately one month prior to the start of a term. Information about bursar bills, including payment amounts and deadlines, can be found at the OneStop website. Tuition is refundable only if a student alerts Education Abroad ( within the following timeline:
Semester, Spring Break, and Summer Programs: By 4:30pm on the last university business day prior to the start of the program and course. Start dates are listed on the course registration form and can be verified on Course List in BannerWeb.
Winter Programs: By 12:00pm the Monday following Fall semester Finals week. See university calendar for exam dates.
The Program Fee covers costs that tuition cannot, such as housing and activities. The program fee amount, what is included, payment schedule and refund policies (once set) are outlined on the program application page. The program fee is NOT charged to the Bursar account*, and is typically made in two payments (deposit and balance) well in advance of the program departure date. The program fee can be paid via credit card, or e-check. Instructions for payments and links to make payments online are outlined on the student’s program application portal.
*Note: Notify the Education Abroad office at if financial aid will be used to help cover the cost of the program fee.
Miami exchange programs enable students to directly enroll in the host institution. Students can get pre-approval for Miami equivalent courses through the Transfer Credit Approval Form found on the Study Abroad Prep Canvas page or work on how these classes transfer back once they return. All petitions for Miami equivalences need to be approved by the LDA (Lead Departmental Advisor) of the relevant academic department. Some students use transfer credit courses for Miami Plan requirements. Please consult your Academic Advisor for the best use of transfer credits.
Grades from transfer credit study abroad programs do not affect the Miami GPA. However, classes must be taken for a grade and passed in order for Miami to accept the credits. While abroad, students will be registered for 12 credit hours in STY ABD at Miami. This serves as a placeholder course to maintain Miami student status while the student is on the program.
Students participating in exchange programs will be charged Miami University tuition and fees at the standard semester rate. This will be charged to the student’s Bursar bill for payment according to University policy. Room, board and administrative expenses may vary based on the actual agreement between Miami University and the partner university. In some cases, room and board is charged by and paid to Miami, in some cases the fees will be paid to the host institution.
Students register directly at the host school or through the provider. Students can get pre-approval for Miami equivalences through the Transfer Credit Approval Form found on the Study Abroad Prep Canvas page or work on how these classes transfer back once they return. All petitions for Miami equivalences need to be approved by the LDA (Lead Departmental Advisor) of the relevant academic department. Some students use transfer credit courses for Miami Plan. Please consult your Academic Advisor for the best use of transfer credits.
Grades from transfer credit study abroad programs do not affect Miami GPA. However, classes must be taken for a grade and passed in order for Miami to accept the credits. While abroad, students will be registered for 0 (approved programs) or 12 (co-sponsored programs) credit hours in STY ABD at Miami. This serves as a placeholder course to maintain Miami student status while the student is on the program.
Co-Sponsored programs charge Miami tuition and a program fee. Approved program providers set a flat program fee that typically includes tuition, housing, and services. This rate, along with a comprehensive list of inclusions, are outlined on the program website (the websites are linked from the Miami application site). Payments for Co-Sponsored programs are made to Miami; payments for Approved programs are made directly to the program provider.
Note: Miami University scholarships CANNOT be used on Approved programs. They can be used on Co-Sponsored programs.
It may be possible to use federal financial aid to help cover the costs of Approved programs. The Consortium/contractual Agreement for Study Abroad must be completed and submitted to the One Stop office to do this. More information is available at One Stop.
All Miami Students who leave the U.S. for any time must register with the United States Department of State Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP). STEP is a free service to allow U.S. citizens and nationals traveling abroad to enroll their trip with the nearest U.S. Embassy or Consulate. When you register with STEP, you will receive important information from the Embassy about safety conditions in your destination country, helping you make informed decisions about your travel plans. In addition, this can help the U.S. Embassy contact you in an emergency, whether natural disaster, civil unrest, or family emergency, or help family and friends get in touch with you in an emergency.
Register your international travel associated with your study abroad program at It is strongly recommended that you also add any itinerary associated with non-programmatic, supplemental side travel you have planned independent from your study abroad program.
All students participating in education abroad programs through Miami University are required to participate in Pre-Departure Orientations in accordance with the Miami University Domestic and International Travel Program Guidelines. Global Initiatives and the Office of Education Abroad have developed pre-departure orientations to review basic health, safety, security, culture and program information that is applicable to all programs. The time, date, and location of these pre-departure orientations will be announced at a later date.
Be sure that you are ACTIVELY communicating deadlines, program details and travel plans with your family. The Education Abroad office regularly gets phone calls from parents telling us “My son/daughter didn't tell me...” - they are supporting you through this process and should be kept in the loop. We cannot always provide them with specific information about your participation in a program due to FERPA regulations.
Be sure to discuss:
214 MacMillan Hall
531 E Spring St.
Oxford, OH 45056
513-529-8608 (fax)
If you or someone you know is experiencing an emergency abroad, please contact MUPD at 513-529-2222.
Meet with an advisor to discuss your education abroad goals and plans.