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Faculty, Staff, and Student Academic Responsibilities

Statement of Student Responsibilities

Instructors will expect you as a graduate student to:

  • Work to the best of your ability and attend class according to the university regulations.
  • Be attentive during class and participate constructively in class work.
  • Complete the work you are assigned and submit it on time.
  • Prepare work that is honest, independent, and original.
  • Show respect and courtesy for them and fellow students while being open to the ideas of others.
  • Be open to constructive criticism directed at correcting your academic errors and developing your scholarly abilities.
  • Provide them with constructive criticism that is aimed at improving your learning experience.
  • Abide by university regulations prohibiting academic misconduct.
  • Endeavor to ensure that the learning environment is free from sexism, racism, and other forms of prejudice that negatively influence student learning.

Teaching and Evaluation of Student Work

Statement of Good Teaching Practices

You may expect your instructor to:

  • Inform students within the first two (2) weeks of the course of the objectives, content, assignments, policy on return of student work, and examination procedures in each course; and within reason, abide by those statements.
  • Specify in writing within the first two (2) weeks of the course the methods by which the instructor determines the final grade in the course.
  • Ensure that all materials assigned are equally available to all students in the course.
  • Inform students of the generally accepted conclusion on the subject matter of the course when those conclusions differ from the conclusions of the instructor.
  • Give adequate advance notice of major papers and major examinations in the course.
  • Provide assignments to permit students to benefit from evaluative experiences during the course.
  • Be fair and impartial in evaluating all student performances, i.e., evaluating all students according to common criteria.
  • Allow students to review papers and examinations in a timely manner after they have been evaluated.
  • Be available for conferences during announced, regular office hours.

Professional Conduct

Instructors are expected to adhere to the following guidelines for professional conduct:

  • Treat students with courtesy and respect at all times. Courtesy and respect do not prohibit strong criticism directed at the student’s academic errors and scholarly responsibilities.
  • Endeavor to ensure that the learning environment is free from all forms of prejudice that negatively influence student learning, such as those based on age, sex, race, color, religion, national origin, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, pregnancy, or veteran status.
  • Adhere to the Class Attendance Policy of the Miami University Policy.
  • Assume the positive obligation to confront students of suspected academic dishonesty.
  • Adhere to the Statement on Professional Ethics of the Miami University Policy.

Academic Grievance Procedure

A goal of the grievance procedure should be to effect a reconciliation between instructor and student.

Academic Integrity

Miami demands the highest standards of professional conduct from its students, faculty, and staff.  As a community of scholars, our fundamental purpose is the pursuit of knowledge. Integrity in research and creative activities and in academic study is based on sound disciplinary practices and expectations, as well as a commitment to the values of honesty and integrity.

Students and Faculty

Students or faculty who have questions about academic integrity in graduate courses and research should consult the Miami University Policy Library.

Student Resources on Academic Integrity

Academic Integrity at Miami values your learning and understands it may be helpful to have support when choosing integrity. In other words, we don't expect you to choose integrity without help. Instead, we challenge you to think critically about the ways in which you seek assistance.

The Graduate School

The Graduate School is committed to advocating and supporting graduate programs dedicated to the pursuit of new knowledge and best teaching practices that promote diverse, globally aware graduate students and faculty.

Graduate Admission

Nellie Craig Walker Hall
301 S. Campus Avenue
Oxford, OH 45056