A professional academic advisor can help you with a variety of academic actions as you begin and continue your education at Miami University Regionals. Academic advisors help students with course selection and planning, connect with resources across campuses, get back on track after academic actions are levied against them, and can help students make the transition to a full or partial relocation to the Oxford campus.
Course Selection and Schedule Planning
Academic advisors help students plan for and schedule courses according to the requirements of the Global Miami Plan and their major.
Schedule Planning
Referrals to Services
Professional academic advisors are an excellent resource when you don't know who to go to at Miami University to help you solve problems, find resources or get involved. Academic advisors will meet with you and help you identify what university, campus and community resources can be of most help to you, and can give you referrals for campus, university and community resources to help you. Resources may include:
Taking Classes on another Campus
Miami students can take classes on other campuses by meeting the partial or full change of campus requirements.
How Do I ...?
Many students need time and assistance to decide on a major. In most cases, it's fine to choose "exploratory" or "undecided" as a major on your application for admission. In fact, this category is the one most entering first-year students select. And for those who do select a major, 60 percent of all Miami students change their major at least once.
Regional academic advisors work with students to explore majors. Use our pre-major advising resources to explore.
When you apply, you can choose "Undeclared" in various divisions. On the application for admission, you can choose one of the following:
- University Studies (Undeclared - College of Arts & Science)*
- Undeclared (Farmer School of Business)**
- Undeclared (College of Education, Health, and Society)**
- Undeclared (College of Engineering and Computing)
- *If you don't want to choose a division right away, choose this option. You'll be placed in the College of Arts and Science where you'll have the help of an academic advising office whose primary focus is assisting undecided students.
**Admission is limited. First-year students are usually admitted as "pre-" majors, eligible to become full majors after meeting certain requirements.
Miami Regionals encourages students in bachelor's degree programs to declare and complete an Associate of Arts (AA) degree on their way to completing a bachelor's degree. Associate of Arts degrees show that you have completed 62 hours of coursework with a 2.0 GPA or higher, and that you have completed the Global Miami Plan for Liberal Education as well as 12 semester hours in a specific area or concentration.
Concentration areas include:
- Business
- Creative Arts
- Education, Health & Society
- Engineering & Computing
- Humanities
- Natural Science & Mathematics
- Liberal Studies & Applied Sciences
- Social Science
For more information on Associate of Arts degrees at Miami University, please read the information about AA degrees.
To see if you have met the requirements for an Associate of Arts degree, or to declare an AA degree and add it to your academic record, please call the Office of Academic Advising, 513-727-3440 and make an appointment.
The online Course List allows students to narrow their course search based on selection criteria such as Campus, Subject, Term, etc. This program does not require logging into BannerWeb (however you must login to use the ROR System).
Please note: Course offerings/schedule/fees are subject to change, and all courses and credit workshops are enrollment contingent.
When "Change of Schedule (drop/add)" web registration is available, students may make schedule changes through BannerWeb (see the academic calendar for dates/deadlines). Once web registration ends, students must obtain instructor permission to force add or drop courses. For complete information on the policy, please see the General Bulletin.
After 60 percent of the course is complete, a student may no longer withdraw from a course, unless a petition is approved by the Interdivisional Committee of Advisors. The petition must describe and document the extenuating circumstances (usually beyond the student's control) that form the grounds of the petition. If the petition for withdrawal is approved, the student will be withdrawn from the course with a grade of W. If the petition is not approved, the student will be expected to remain in the course (see Student Handbook, Exceptions to the Scholastic Regulations).
If a student requests to withdraw from more than one course, a separate petition must be submitted for each course. A formal withdrawal from all courses is a different procedureand is an option for students until the final Friday of classes during each term. Please make an appointment with an academic advisor on the Hamilton or Middletown campus to prepare a petition to withdraw from a course after the deadline.
- For Oxford courses, contact the department to inquire about force add policies.
- For Regional courses, check whether the course uses Banner Waitlisting or ROR at the bottom of the Register for Classes webpage, and then use the appropriate request method.
- Check your schedule on BannerWeb via myMiami to ensure the course has been added.
Students can view and print their grades from BannerWeb.
- Log on to myMiami and click the link to BannerWeb
- Select "student Services and Financial Aid"
- Select "Student Records"
- Select “Final Grades”
- Select “Term”
Current students can also access and print an unofficial transcript through BannerWeb.Log on to myMiami and click the link to BannerWeb
- Select “Student Services & Financial Aid”
- Select “Student Records”
- Select “Academic Transcript”
- Select "Level"
A student may request a medical leave of absence from the university if, during the course of a semester, she/he/they suffers from a diagnosable physical, emotional or psychological condition that significantly interferes with her/his/their ability to complete the academic responsibilities. Withdrawal from one or more classes, but not all classes, must be done through consultation with each specific faculty member.
The Request for Excess Hours form is used to seek permission to take a course load in excess of 20 hours in Fall or Spring semester (lower limits are in effect for Summer (16) and Winter terms (6)).
There are specific criteria under which a student would qualify for excess hour permission. Please be aware that excess hour permission is not always granted. If approved, the One Stop will be notified for processing. You will receive an email informing you of the decision.
Beginning with the 2024 undergraduate cohort, students are assessed an overload fee if they exceed 18 billable credit hours (which includes all courses added, even if they are later dropped). For more information, visit our Overload Fee page.
Academic dismissal occurs when there has been a previous academic suspension, and is considered a permanent action. However, a petition for readmission following dismissal can be considered after a minimum period of two calendar years.
The Interdivisional Committee of advisors (I.D. Committee) has final authority to grant exceptions to academic regulations and may approve a petition to hold academic dismissal in abeyance only if there are exceptional circumstances. The student is required to submit a written statement outlining the exceptional circumstances, the effect on his or her academic performance, and how these issues have been addressed, as well as documentation substantiating the exceptional circumstances. If the petition is not approved, please contact your divisional office in the future regarding all academic and readmission matters.
Professional academic advisors help transfer students understand the evaluation of their transfer credit by the University Registrar, and help students submit petitions to modify the requirements of the Global Miami Plan to the Liberal Education website. Academic advisors also help students make contact with faculty and departmental advisors to petition transfer credit to meet the requirements of their major.
Evaluating Transfer Credit
Transfer students starting Summer or Fall 2023 should wait to submit Office of Liberal Education or Miami Plan petitions until late summer after the new petition forms are available. Please contact us at RegAdvising@MiamiOH.edu for more information.
Transfer students should have their official (unopened) transcripts sent to Records and Registration Office. Coursework can take several weeks to be evaluated, during which time advisors often view unofficial transcripts from the previous schools and/or may utilize web sites such as www.transferology.com to make educated guesses on what courses MIGHT transfer to Miami, in order to schedule appropriate courses. The responsibility rests with the student to double check their DAR once their course work has been formally evaluated. Remember that courses may be evaluated as "T" credit, and then be petitioned to meet Miami Plan Foundation requirements. Transfer courses may also be petitioned to meet the requirements of majors, minors and Thematic Sequences. Students should make an appointment with an academic advisor to initiate this process.
Petitioning the Miami Plan
In some cases, students may take a course or courses that incorporate Miami Plan principles but have not been approved as Miami Plan Foundation courses, courses for a Thematic Sequence, or a Senior Capstone course. These may be courses transferred from another institution, study abroad experiences, or courses taken at Miami that have not yet received Miami Plan Foundation, Thematic Sequence, or Senior Capstone designation.
Students may submit a petition to the Office of Liberal Education to receive credit for these courses. Petitions are reviewed by the Director of Liberal Education. An academic advisor can help students formulate petitions to modify the Miami Plan requirements, including giving feedback on the required Statement of Explanation. If the course was completed at another institution, a course syllabus must be attached to your petition. A catalog course description is not sufficient.
Initiating a Miami Plan Petition
If you want to petition your credit for use in the Miami Plan, please follow these instructions to submit your Miami Plan petition. If you have questions about petitioning, please schedule an appointment with an academic advisor.
Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.
Winston Churchill