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Business in the Global Market

Business in the Global Market Concentration Areas

Asia and Oceania Concentration

Program Requirements

  • Language
    • Complete one of the folowing languages through the 202-level:
      • CHI 202 (3) - Second Year Chinese
      • JPN 202 (3) - Second Year Japanese
      • KOR 202 (3) - Second Year Korean
  • Cultural Experience
    • Complete one of the following related theatic sequences or minors:
      • ATH 3 - World Cultures
      • ATH 5 - World Cultures and Social Relations
      • CHI 1 - Developing Language Skills
      • JPN 1 - Developing Language Skills
      • Self-Designed Thematic Sequence
      • Anthropoligy Minor
      • Asian/American Studies Minor
      • Chinese Minor
      • East Asian Studies Minor
      • Global Health Minor
      • International Business Minor
        • With approved electives related to the selected concentration
      • Japanese Minor
  • Oversears Experience
    • Complete an approved, credit-bearing study abroad or internship program in Asia or Oceania from the following options:
      • Semester of study abroad in Asia or Oceania
      • FSB faculty-led international program
      • Pre-approved internship in Asia or Oceania
        • Minimum of 6 weeks
      • Any other overseas experience must be pre-approved by the certificate program advisor
  • Buiness Coursework
    • BUS 241 (1) - Business in the Global Market
    • One internationally-focused business elective (3)

Europe Concentration

Program Requirements

  • Language
    • Complete one of the folowing languages through the 202-level:
      • FRE 202 (3) - Second Year French
      • GER 202 (3) - Second Year German
      • ITL 202 (3) - Second Year Italian
      • RUS 202 (3) - Second Year Russian
      • SPN 202 (3) - Second Year Spanish
  • Cultural Experience
    • Complete one of the following related theatic sequences or minors:
      • ATH 3 - World Cultures
      • ATH 5 - World Cultures and Social Relations
      • FRE 3 - European Cinema
      • GER 3 - Developing Language Skills
      • HST 3 - Russian, East European, and Eurasian 
      • ITL 1 - Italy in the Renaissance
      • SPN 1 - Literature and Culture in Spain
      • Self-Designed Thematic Sequence
      • Anthropoligy Minor
      • French, German, Italian, Russian, or Spanish Minor
      • Global Health Minor
      • International Business Minor
        • With approved electives related to the selected concentration
  • Oversears Experience
    • Complete an approved, credit-bearing study abroad or internship program in Asia or Oceania from the following options:
      • Semester of study abroad in Europe
      • FSB faculty-led international program
      • Pre-approved internship in Europe
        • Minimum of 6 weeks
      • Any other overseas experience must be pre-approved by the certificate program advisor
  • Buiness Coursework
    • BUS 241 (1) - Business in the Global Market
    • One internationally-focused business elective (3)

South and Central America Concentration

Program Requirements

  • Language
    • Complete one of the folowing languages through the 202-level:
      • SPN 202 (3) - Second Year Spanish
  • Cultural Experience
    • Complete one of the following related theatic sequences or minors:
      • ATH 3 - World Cultures
      • ATH 5 - World Cultures and Social Relations
      • LAS 3 - Latino Studies: Cultures and Histories of Latinos in the United States
      • SPN 1 - Literature and Culture in Spain
      • Self-Designed Thematic Sequence
      • Anthropoligy Minor
      • Global Health Minor
      • International Business Minor
        • With approved electives related to the selected concentration
      • Spanish Minor
  • Oversears Experience
    • Complete an approved, credit-bearing study abroad or internship program in Asia or Oceania from the following options:
      • Semester of study abroad in South or Central America
      • FSB faculty-led international program
      • Pre-approved internship in South or Central America
        • Minimum of 6 weeks
      • Any other overseas experience must be pre-approved by the certificate program advisor
  • Buiness Coursework
    • BUS 241 (1) - Business in the Global Market
    • One internationally-focused business elective (3)

Africa and the Middle East Concentration

Program Requirements

  • Language
    • Complete one of the folowing languages through the 202-level:
      • ARB 202 (3) - Second Year Arabic
  • Cultural Experience
    • Complete one of the following related theatic sequences or minors:
      • ATH 3 - World Cultures
      • ATH 5 - World Cultures and Social Relations
      • BWS 1 - Africa: Culture/Power/History
      • Self-Designed Thematic Sequence
      • Anthropoligy Minor
      • Arabic Minor
      • Global Health Minor
      • International Business Minor
        • With approved electives related to the selected concentration
      • Middle East, Islamic, and Jewish Studies Minor
  • Oversears Experience
    • Complete an approved, credit-bearing study abroad or internship program in Asia or Oceania from the following options:
      • Semester of study abroad in Africa or the Middle East
      • FSB faculty-led international program
      • Pre-approved internship in Africa or the Middle East
        • Minimum of 6 weeks
      • Any other overseas experience must be pre-approved by the certificate program advisor
  • Buiness Coursework
    • BUS 241 (1) - Business in the Global Market
    • One internationally-focused business elective (3)