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Current Students

Information Sessions

Monday, February 10th 5 - 6 p.m.

Virtual Through Zoom

Tuesday, April 8th. 5 - 6 p.m.

Virtual through Zoom

Meeting Admission Requirements

Current Miami University students who were not offered direct admission or who did not apply to the Farmer School of Business may seek admission through a non-competitive process by completing the following admission requirements:

30 Graded Credit Hours at Miami University

Students must have 30 graded credit hours completed at Miami University. Questions can be directed to

banner web image of graded hours

Additional Notes:

  • MTH 025 and other developmental courses (000-099 courses) do not apply to the 30 graded hours required for admission as they are not creditable toward a degree.

3.5 GPA Requirement

The qualifying GPA for FSB admission may be different from your overall GPA. The specific GPA referenced for FSB admission can be seen on a University Studies DAR. If you are not a University Studies student, you will need to consult with an Academic Advisor to run a "What-If" DAR to access this GPA. When in doubt, consult with an academic advisor.

Fall 2023 or Later

fsb admission example of gpa

Spring 2023 or Earlier

qualifying gpa for fsb admission

Completion of MTH 141 or MTH 151, and ECO 201

If taken at Miami University, ECO 201, and MTH 141 or MTH 151 must be completed in a graded status.

Additional Notes:

  • Summer courses should be completed no later than August 1 to ensure a timely transfer. Once you meet all of the admission requirements for FSB, and any transfer work is posted to your academic record, you are welcome to apply online. Visit the Transfer Credit page to learn more about transfer courses.
Upon admission to the Farmer School, students will pay tuition and fees set by Miami University, as well as an additional per-credit hour business surcharge for most business courses. For detailed information, visit the Office of the Bursar.

Application Process

Students must have all admission requirements in progress or completed prior to applying. Any applicable transfer work must be completed and posted to the academic record at Miami to be admitted. Students must apply to the Farmer School of Business during specified application periods at the end of fall, spring, and summer terms. Students may not be admitted to business outside specified application periods.


Windows to Apply

For Spring 2025 Admittance

December 2024:
Applications Open December 9 - 19 
Decisions Sent  December 20 

January 2025:
Applications Open January 20 - 28 
Decisions Sent  January 31 

For Fall 2025 Admittance

May 2025
Applications Open May 12 - 22 
Decisions Sent  May 23

June 2025
Applications Open June 30 - July 10 
Decisions Sent  July 11

August 2025
Applications Open August 4 - 21 
Decisions Sent  August 22


Can I graduate on time if I am admitted to FSB after my first year?

Yes! It is still possible to complete your degree in 4 years if you are admitted to FSB after your first year. Below is a potential degree plan for students wanting to be admitted to FSB after their first year. This plan should NOT be used as a substitute for academic advising, this should be a guide to look over before you meet with an academic advisor to discuss further. 



Course Number
of Hours
MTH 141 or 151 5
Creative Arts 3
Natural Science 3



Global Inquiry

Total Semester Hours 15
Course Number
of Hours
ECO 201 3
ENG 111 3
Natural Science 3

Intercultural Consciousness (IC)



Total Semester Hours 15



Course Number
of Hours
First Year Integrated Core (FYIC) 8
ISA 125 3
ECO 202 3

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI)

Total Semester Hours 17
Course Number
of Hours
CSE 148 3
MGT 295 3
MKT 291 3

ACC 221


IC or Global Inquiry



Total Semester Hours 16



Course Number
of Hours
FIN 301 3
ACC 222 3
ISA 235 3

ISA 225


MGT 291

Total Semester Hours 15
Course Number
of Hours
Major 3
Major 3
Major 3

BUS 284


Signature inquiry

Total Semester Hours 15



Course Number
of Hours
Major 3
Major 3
Major 3

BLS 342


Signature Inquiry

Total Semester Hours 15
Course Number
of Hours
Capstone 3
Major 3
Major 3

Signature Inquiry


Non-Business Elective(s)

Total Semester Hours 16



-Social Science requirements are met by ECO 201 and ECO 202

-Advanced Writing requirement is met by BUS 284

-MTH 141 or 151 meets the Mathematics and Formal Reasoning requirement.

-Experiential Learning requirement met by First-Year Integrated Core (BUS 101, BUS 102, ESP 103, BUS 104)

-Refer to the 2024-2025 General Bulletin for course pre-and/or co-requisite requirements

-Students must earn 124 credits to graduate; minimum of 52 hours of non-business coursework required

-2.0 GPA overall and 2.0 GPA in business required to graduate

Do I have to be in Exploratory Studies to be Admitted to Business?

Students do not need to be in Exploratory Studies in order to be admitted to business. The Exploratory Studies Degree Audit Report (DAR) has a section that shows a student’s qualifying GPA for FSB Admission, making it easier for the student to determine which classes are included in Miami Plan and Business GPA used for FSB Admission; however, students from any major are welcome to apply once they meet the Admission requirements.

How do I Change my Major? Can I Declare Business Now?

There is no need to change your major at this time. Once you meet the admission requirements, you will fill out the application form online. Your major will be changed to business upon admission.

Is Admission to the Business School Competitive?

Even if the requirements for admission change, you will follow the admission requirements that were in place when you entered the university. We will admit all students who meet the admission requirements.

Can I Take Any Business Courses Now?

Non-business students may access ECO 201, ECO 202, MTH 141/MTH 151, and STA 261.

  • ECO 201 and 202 are required courses within the Business Core, and either course will meet the PA2A Social Science requirement.
  • The Math Department requires an ACT Math score of 26+ or SAT Math score of 610+ to take MTH 151. See the Math Department's placement recommendation guide.
  • STA 261 is a general statistics course. If taken prior to admission, STA 261 and ISA 225 will meet the Business Statistics requirement. 

Typically, the departments will have seats available in ACC 221, the FYIC (BUS 101, BUS 102, ESP 103 and BUS 104), CSE 148, and ISA for students who are admitted to business at the end of fall and spring terms. For students admitted at the end of summer terms, course access may be more limited, but can include some business courses. Additional information about accessing these courses will be shared upon admission.

Is There a Petition Process if I do not Meet the Minimum GPA Requirement?

Exceptions to this requirement are extremely rare. Any exceptions to this policy will be dependent on remaining capacity in the Farmer School and will be evaluated individually based on significant and verified extenuating circumstances. Students seeking an exception will be expected to engage in a petition process and final decisions will be made by the Dean's office. Questions regarding this process should be directed to the Assistant Dean and Director of Divisional Advising.

I Want to Minor in Business. Do I Have to Meet the Admission Requirements?

Students may enroll in a maximum of two Farmer School of Business minors. Some minors are available to students on a first-come, first-served basis while others have entry restrictions or requirements. Therefore, to increase the likelihood of gaining entry into a FSB minor, interested students should contact the department offering the minor as early as possible in their academic careers. Completion of a FSB minor may require taking coursework during summer and winter terms and/or online.

FSB Student Services

800 East High Street
Suite 1022
Oxford, OH 45056