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Summer 2023 Instructional

For limited credit workshops.

Ohio Writing Project (OWP) and Project Dragonfly – on-line offerings

EPAF Quick Tips | Limited Credit workshops
Field Entry
Query Date Depends of date of workshop  See Important Dates chart
Approval Category Faculty Summer Appointment FACSUM
Position and Suffix Each workshop has to be processed on a separate EPAF (a unique JOB)
Suffix Workshop: 57, 58, 59
Track the use of suffixes for each faculty member and do not duplicate them.
New Job

Use of a different suffix may require using the process for submitting a NEW JOB instead of a REAPPOINTMENT. (See Manual*)

Contract Type Select Overload for full-time faculty or staff.
Select Primary if only employment is this summer appointment or if person did not teach during academic year (22/23).
Job Begin Date Same as Current Value; if no Current Value, use effective date for term; See Important Dates chart
Dates See Important Dates chart
FTE and Hours/Pay See FTE and Hours/Pay charts for specific terms or # months of pay
Job Change Reason Overload: ADDJB
Primary: REAPT
Factors and Pays Reflect # months on payroll. See Important Dates chart
Salary Regular: Salary for teaching based on formula (credit hours) and enrollment.
Workshop: Teaching – based on credit hours, workshop budget and enrollment
NOTE: Teaching and directing can be combined in one EPAF; insert combined salary (distinguish in comment field)
Payroll ID MN will pre-fill (not enterable). All jobs are now on the MN payroll.
Contract Number No entry required
Index Each workshop has unique index (sent to workshop director from Global Initiatives – be sure you have this.)  Type the unique index over what pre-fills; click the “Default from Index” button; enter the workshop account code (111640) in the empty space for account code
(Note Change)
Enter HERD if work to be performed is Research
Account Workshops: 111640
Job Earnings Effective Date: Same as Query Date (See Important Dates chart) Select FSM for job earnings
End Job Record Dates Effective Date and Personnel Date – depends upon which term/workshop dates
See Important Dates chart
Routing Queue

Level 10 Academic Personnel Reviewer choose:

  • Jennifer Perry (perryj5) – CAS
  • Missy Lawson (newma) – Office of Provost, Libraries, CEC & FSB
  • Allison Rivers (riversa4) – CLAAS, CCA & EHS

Level 11 Special Approval Donna Gouvan (gouvandm)

Level 45 Chair/Director/Supervisor--choose appropriate chair

Level 50 Dean--choose appropriate Dean Designee (not the actual dean)

Level 60 Provost Review Bess Sprockett (sprocke)

Level 90 HR/Academic Personnel (applier) Beth Matix (matixb)

Add level to queue: click the first “Not Selected” choice; highlight Level 11 “Special Approval” then click the magnifying glass and select Donna Gouvan.
At the far right, under “Required Action,” choose “Approve.

Comment Field
Workshop: Campus = specific workshop locale; Course#; Section; credit hours; term/dates
If salary includes instruction & director salaries, list each salary separately in comment.

Reference Charts

Important Dates by Term, Summer 2023 (in-class or online instruction)
Term Query Date
Effective Date
Personnel Dates
Effective Date
Pay Dates
Last working
day of the month
FULL 05/01/2023 05/16/2023-08/04/2023 07/31/2023 3/3 May
T 05/01/2023 05/16/2023-06/23/2023 06/30/2023 2/2 May
U 07/01/2023 06/26/2023-08/04/2023 07/31/2023 1/1 July
V 05/01/2023 05/16/2023-07/07/2023 07/31/2023 3/3 May
W 06/01/2023 06/12/2023-08/04/2023 07/31/2023 2/2 June
X 05/01/2023 05/16/2023-06/09/2023 06/30/2023 2/2 May
Y 06/01/2023 06/12/2023-07/07/2023 07/31/2023 2/2 June
Z 07/01/2023 07/10/2023-08/04/2023 07/31/2023 1/1 July
Important Dates by Workshop Schedule, Summer 2022
Work Occurs Query Date
Effective Date
Personnel Date
Effective Date
Pay Dates
Last working day of the month:
In only one month
i.e. working May 16-31; or
working June 1-30; or
working July 1-31; or
working August 1-4

05/01/2023 or
06/01/2023 or
Depends on beginning and ending workshop dates (as provided by faculty)
05/31/2023 or
06/30/2023 or
07/31/2023 or
1/1 100% in one month
100% May or
100% June or
100% July or
100% August
During May and June 05/01/2023 Depends on beginning and ending workshop dates (as provided by faculty) 06/30/2023 2/2 50% May
50% June
During May, June and July 05/01/2023 Depends on beginning and ending workshop dates (as provided by faculty) 07/31/2023 3/3 33% May
33% June
34% July
During May, June, July and August 05/01/2023 Depends on beginning and ending workshop dates (as provided by faculty) 08/31/2023 4/4 25% May
25% June
25% July
25% August
During June and July 06/01/2023 Depends on beginning and ending workshop dates (as provided by faculty) 07/31/2023 2/2 50% June
50% July
During June, July and August 06/01/2023 Depends on beginning and ending workshop dates (as provided by faculty) 08/31/2023 3/3 33% June
33% July
34% August
During July and August 07/01/2023 Depends on beginning and ending workshop dates (as provided by faculty) 08/31/2023 2/2 50% July
50% August

NOTE: If submitted late, change query and beginning effective date to appropriate month.

FTE and Hours Per Pay
Credit Hours FTE Hours per Pay
(2 months)
T, W, X, Y
Hours per Pay
(1 month)
U, Z
Hours per Pay
(3 months)
Full, V
1 .04 8 16 5.33
2 .08 16 32 10.66
3 .13 24 48 16.00
4 .17 32 64 21.33
5 .21 40 80 26.66
6 .25 48 96 32.00

EPAFs Submitted Late

Summer EPAFs for faculty teaching a summer course with low enrollment and for which there is potential for cancellation of the course should NOT be submitted for May payment. Once a final decision can be made that the course will be taught, the EPAF can be submitted but with JUNE dates (06/01/2023 begin and query date) and the full salary will be paid on the June payroll (factor and pays 1). It is better to hold for pay until June than to either pay in May for a cancelled course or submit an EPAF with a May date and then not process the EPAF on the May payroll because of uncertainty of the course making enrollment, which would require voiding and re-creating the EPAF for June payment.