Entrepreneurship Minor
Entrepreneurship and the ability to recognize opportunities to create viable, sustainable solutions are skills needed across all disciplines. The interdisciplinary minor exposes students to the mindset and behavior of successful entrepreneurs as well as the principles and concepts associated with entrepreneurship in startup, social, creative, and corporate ventures. The program complements majors in all of Miami's academic divisions and promotes the applications of entrepreneurial concepts in support of each student's passion, regardless of major. Entrepreneurship courses are for those interested in building a new business, adding value to an existing organization, or learning the skills necessary in the entrepreneurial workforce. Students complete the minor by taking courses as a core curriculum followed by one of four specific tracks: startup, social, corporate, and creativity. The minor will provide a framework for understanding entrepreneurship from a variety of disciplines and application of entrepreneurial skill sets to meet societal and workplace demands.
Minor Information
- 19 credit hours
- Open to all students
- You must have a 2.00 GPA for all courses in the minor
- ESP 401 and 461 are Miami Plan and Business Capstones
- ESP 101, 201, 251, 252, and one of 321, 331, 341, or 351 are recommended before ESP 401 or 461.
- Application required. Contact Dr. Jim Friedman, jim.friedman@miamioh.edu, or visit the Entrepreneurship minor webpage for more information
- Refer to the 2024-2025 General Bulletin for course pre- and/or co-requisite information
Program Requirements
- ESP 101 (1) - Entrepreneurship Foundations
- ESP 201 (3) - Introduction to Entrepreneurship and Business Models
- ESP 251 (3) - Entrepreneurial Value Creation and Capture
- ESP 252 (3) - Entrepreneurial Mindset: Creativity and Organization
- ESP 401 (3) - Entrepreneurship: New Ventures
- ESP 461 (3) - Entrepreneurial Consulting
- Select one of the following:
- ESP 321 (3) - Startup Entrpreneurship
- ESP 331 (3) - Social Entrpreneurship
- ESP 341 (3) - Corporate Entrepreneurship
- ESP 351 (3) - Creativity in Entrepreneurship
Minor Advisor
- Dr. Jim Friedman
- jim.friedman@miamioh.edu